Laura jones and the gates of good and evil online game
Laura jones and the gates of good and evil online game

laura jones and the gates of good and evil online game

laura jones and the gates of good and evil online game

With a pilot directed by Martin Scorsese (and later episodes directed in very Scorsese-like fashion by Tim Van Patten and others), lead writing by Terry Winter (David Chase’s right-hand man on “The Sopranos”) and an incredible cast including Steve Buscemi, Kelly MacDonald, Michael Shannon, Michael Pitt and Michael K.


19): I had hoped to get to a movie or two like I usually do when I’m out at TCA, but a good chunk of my free time was devoted to watching the six hours of this period gangster drama about Atlantic City at the dawn of Prohibition. Last night, Fienberg posted his breakdown of press tour winners and losers (including some of the shows I’m about to list), and after the jump are some of the best new shows I got to see in conjunction with the trip: But there are some definite standouts, particularly on cable. Overall, 2010-11 doesn’t look like it’s going to be as strong a season for new product as last season, which gave us (among other things) “Community,” “Modern Family,” “Justified,” “Treme,” “Parenthood,” “The Good Wife,” “Cougar Town,” “The Middle,” “Glee” (I don’t like it but recognize that many people are nuts about it), and more.

laura jones and the gates of good and evil online game

Every summer when I come back from press tour – or when I’m still there and chatting with industry folk curious about the competition – everyone asks me some variation of the question “So what’s going to be good on TV this fall?”

Laura jones and the gates of good and evil online game